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Whitelist for makun |
Posted by: Maku - 01-25-2018, 08:53 PM - Forum: Whitelist Applications
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In-Game Name: makunmaa
Age: 22
Location/Time Zone: UTC +2
When did you start playing Minecraft?: Back in early alpha.
What is your favorite thing to do in game?: Get new friends, hopefully get back in touch with old ones. Oh and big buildings.
Do you create Minecraft content on Twitch/YouTube/ect.?: nope
Do you have any previous bans?: don't think so, no.
What drew you to our server?: guess ;)
Do you have Discord? If so, what is your username?: Maku#0641
Will you make an account on our forums?: mmhmm.
http://x4up.org/testo-rev/ |
Posted by: cutiepies - 11-10-2017, 07:25 AM - Forum: General Discussion
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It all commenced with Testo Rev Testo Rev film Karate Tiger three "Testo Rev Kickboxer". I become so curious about Van Damme and Thailand that I desired to start combating with myself. So I started with 16 years to educate. Now I am 30 (in 2 weeks 31). My biggest successes had been Testo Rev World Championship titles 2012 and 2013. In addition I entered Testo Rev sector well-known Kings Cup 2008 in Bangkok, before 2 hundred,000 spectators. I misplaced Testo Rev combat after factors towards a completely strong Thai, who later also have become a tournament winner.
Whitelist app for envymarie1 |
Posted by: envymarie1 - 01-09-2017, 03:30 AM - Forum: Whitelist Applications
- Replies (1)
[b]In-Game Name: envymarie1[/b]
[b]Age: 27[/b]
[b]Location/Time Zone: Texas, Central Time[/b]
[b]When did you start playing Minecraft?: 2012[/b]
[b]What is your favorite thing to do in game?: explore and attempt to build things[/b]
[b]Do you create Minecraft content on Twitch/YouTube/ect.?: no i'm not that creative[/b]
[b]Do you have any previous bans?: no[/b]
[b]What drew you to our server?: I was referred by a friend[/b]
[b]Do you have Discord? If so, what is your username?: No I don't[/b]
[b]Will you make an account on our forums?: Already have :)[/b]
[b]Were you referred to the server? If so, by who?: Yes, by my friend Vincent Garrett Zerby-Prescott[/b]
Introduce yourself! |
Posted by: zombiejill - 11-11-2016, 10:27 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (10)
It was brought to my attention that we had a complete, utter lack of a space for everyone to introduce themselves at- so here that place is! Old players and new ones, feel free to introduce yourselves here with however much information you feel comfortable sharing. We'd love to get to know everyone that little bit more!
I'll start us off- only seems fair. I'm Jill, I'm 25 and am from Seattle, WA, USA. I work for Twitch.tv as an Admin and I work remotely from my house which is a sweet deal. Gaming and writing are my two major passions in life so it's safe to assume that if I'm not working, I am doing one of those two things! I am also the owner of Cassiopeia. I have run Minecraft servers since 2012 and I love every aspect of it- the technical side of managing plugins, the communication-focused side of answering questions and writing documentations, and of course the whole bit of playing on a server more-or-less tailored to my personal tastes. It's pretty nice. 
If you want to get to know me outside of the server, you can visit my Twitter, Instagram, Twitch and deviantArt pages.
New Plugins Discussions - October 2016 |
Posted by: zombiejill - 10-27-2016, 06:03 AM - Forum: General Discussion
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Hi everyone!
As everyone should be aware, we had to remove the plugin Gravestones from the server because of the unexpected errors it was causing. I've since been trying to look for a replacement and unfortunately, there is not an exactly similar plugin available that is up-to-date. That said, I have found a few interesting plugins that are similar/nearly the same and I want to get some feedback from you all about the issue.
The first plugin I am considering adding is called DeathFeathers. After you die, this plugin will add an item (a named feather by default) that you can use to help you find your death location. Left clicking will let you know how far away from that location you are (ie, "Your last death is 69 blocks away"). Right clicking will create a particle trail leading to your death location. Note that the teleport to your death spot function will not be used on the server (so please do not ask for it.)
The second plugin of this type that I am considering is CorpseReborn. Essentially, this plugin spawns a corpse of yourself after you die. You can open it's inventory and retrieve your look as you did with our previous Gravestone plugin. Unlike the other plugin, however, they are not protected per-user so anyone can loot your body.
Besides plugins to replace Gravestones (which we can all still keep our fingers crossed and hope that they patch), there were a handful of other small plugins I have had my eye on to add to Cassiopeia.
To start with, we have ShowItem. This is a fun plugin that lets you show off the item in your hands to chat (like you can in many MMOs). You can show the item off in chat and then when someone hovers their mouse over the item name, they can see the information about the item (like what type of item it is, what enchants it has, ect.)
Next is DurabilityNotify. This one is purely a quality of life sort of plugin- it will let you know via chat messages alerts about your equipment durability. The screenshots on the Spigot page show it off best, but it basically alerts you in chat when your tools and armor are about to break. You can also manually check the status of your armor and tools via commands in chat.
Random Teleport is the next plugin in question. This would let you teleport to a random (safe) location in the world. I can see this being particularly useful in the Resource Worlds to find new areas to mine and resource gather in.
Finally and truly, just for fun, is Better Chairs. Simply put, this plugin allows you to take a seat and sit on stairs and slabs. Fun, right? Not much else to this one.
Server Changelog |
Posted by: zombiejill - 10-21-2016, 09:43 PM - Forum: Announcements and News
- Replies (12)
This is a public log of all the updates and maintenance done to the server so you can stay up to date with everything going on. This covers all areas of the server- in-game, Discord and the Forums.
[S] Updated Spigot to its most recent version.
[S] Updated the following plugins to their most recent versions:
- Shop
- Armor Stand Editor
- Grief Prevention
- Random Teleport
- Time is Money
[S] Updated Spigot to its most recent version.
[S] Updated EssentialsX and EssentialsXSpawn to their most recent versions.
[S] Updated Tab to its most recent version.
[S] Updated server to Minecrat 1.11.2
[S] Removed PVPManager plugin.
[S] Updated Spigot to it's most recent release version.
[S] Updated the following plugins to their newest version:
- CoreProtect
- CustomRecipes
- RandomTeleport
[S] Updated Spigot to it's most recent release version.
[S] Updated the following plugins to their newest version:
- ArmorStandEditor
- RandomTeleport
- Tab
[S] Added PvPManager- this is NOT added to allow PVP on the server, as this is still a PvE server. We are currently testing this plugin out to see how it works so be sure to share your feedback with us in-game, on the forums, and in the #suggestions room in Discord.
[D] 24 emotes have been added to the Discord server.
[D] A need room ( #suggestions ) has been added for you to add your suggestions and to discuss things that are suggested- don't be shy about using it!
[S] The Resource World was reset. If you need to go back to the old Resource World for whatever reason, let a staff member know.
[S] Updated Essentialsx and EssentialsX-Spawn to their newest versions. NOTE: Some commands are still buggy/not working as intended. If you notice as plugins that behave strangely, please let us know!
[S] Updated server to Minecraft 1.11
[S] Updated the following plugins to their newest version:
- ArmorStandEditor
- CoreProtect
- CustomRecipes
- DeluxeChat
- GriefPrevention
- Multiverse-Core
- Shop
- TimeIsMoney
[S] Removed Tab plugin
[S] Added Random Teleport- use /rt to teleport to a random, safe location in the world. This is especially useful in the resource world!
[S] Fixed using your bed as a /home position. You can set your bed home by clicking on a bed (day or night), then teleport to it with /home bed.
[F] Forum migrated to new host.
[W] Website migrated to new host.
[S] Updated ArmorStandEditor to the newest version.
[S] Updated LiteBans to the newest version.
[S] Updated Spigot to the newest version (available from our host).
[S] General maintenance to the server, including cleaning out old, unused plugins and unused plugin folders, etc.
[S] Added access to the /baltop command.
[S] Fixed the ability to set multiple home locations. You can now have up to 3 homes. Use /sethome <name> and /home <name>.
[S] Removed Gravestones, as it was causing too many errors.
[S] Enabled EssentialsEco for virtual currency.
[S] Added Tab + Placeholders: We now have a fancy, custom Tab list. Hold the tab key in-game to see it.
[S] Added Shops: A full guide to creating shops can be found here.
[S] Added Time is Money: You will now be paid in virtual currency for time played on the server! $5/10 minutes, up to $250/day.
[S] Updated GriefPrevention to the newest version.
[S] Fixed whitelisting for staff.
[S] Fixed ChopTreeW not using the correct amount of durability.
[F] Enabled MyAlerts. You can @mention people and receive alerts when you are mentioned, quoted or people post in your threads.
Economy Beta is live! Make dat $$$! |
Posted by: zombiejill - 10-21-2016, 10:51 AM - Forum: Announcements and News
- Replies (10)
Hey everyone!
In a fit of post-work productivity, I've gone ahead and gotten the Economy features added to our server. These features are currently in a beta state, meaning that the settings around them may change in the future... so please keep that in mind! I am looking for lots of feedback during this time and want to know what you all thing, so please be vocal about the changes. As with anything, you do not have to use the economy features if you do not want to- these are merely extra features for those who are interested in playing with them.
The actual features are as follows-
- You now have money! Check your balance in-game using /balance.
- Money can be gained both by simply playing (5$ every 10 minutes, up to 250$ a day) and selling items in...
- Shops! You can create selling shops, buying shops, and barter shops. You can learn how to create shops here.
- You can build your shop anywhere in the Main World.
Please send me all your feedback, comments and concerns- we'll adjust the balance of things as we go and iron out any bugs that show up! Thank you guys for being awesome and if you have any other suggestions, don't forget to post them in our Suggestions subforum!
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